Our sweet Grace turned 1 on Saturday. How fast the year has gone. She is such a precious little baby...or I guess she is really a toddler now. She has started walking a few steps here and there. I can't wait for her to walk...at 24 pounds she is quite a load to carry! Lately she has been under the weather. A week ago her eye was goopy so I took her to the doctor for what I thought was pink eye. Not so much. Double ear infections, a cold and her sinuses were so clogged she got an eye infection. My poor baby! But after passing the eye infection to her sister (guess that will teach her to keep her hands to herself) she was on the road to recovery. Until the day after her birthday she started getting spots. By Monday covered head to toe! Evidently an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. Just can't catch a break! But through it all she always had a smile on that darling face!

Luckily, on her birthday she was well and we had quite a celebration! Grandma, Poppy and Aunt Lyndsay came for the weekend. Saturday we were up bright and early opening presents and eating donuts. Jake had a t-ball game and Nana and Papa Chuck came to watch as well. Jake said he did awesome. We quickly went home to nap for the big event.
Since it was Easter weekend, of course, we had an egg hunt. So all the kids ran all over the place hunting eggs so carefully hidden I think we may be finding them for years to come! Grace just sat in the yard much more interested in the orange grass in her basket than the eggs. Whatever floats your boat birthday girl!
Finally it was time for cake. She wasn't sure about it at first but after a little taste she was hooked. She licked those fingers and smashed that cake. Icing was all over her sweet face and she loved it!
What a wonderful day it was. We truly appreciate all of our family and friends who joined as we celebrated this special gift from God. I can't tell you how she has blessed our lives with her smiles and laughter. So thank you to everyone and Happy Birthday Grace!