Monday, June 10, 2013

Cincinnati Trip

I finally have a chance to update the blog.  It has been insane since school got out!  I posted some pictures from their school website.  Jake's teachers were obviously not as camera happy as Julianna's.  There are lots of little bunny pictures.  So check those out and sorry there are tons!

After school let out we were home for a couple days and headed to Ohio for a week.  Thankfully the 7 hours drive went fast and that DVD player was worth every penny!  Once we arrived we hit the ground running.  We headed to the zoo our first day.  They saw lots of animals we don't have here so that is neat.  Of course Jake and Julianna had to ride the train.

Now my kids say funny things all the time and I remember them about 50% of the time.  But we had two zingers back to back and I will never forget.  So, they have an animal called an Okapi, looks kind of like a horse but with zebra print legs and butt.  Jake was reading the signs and telling me it was from Africa (I think) and "its an o-ka-pee you know like an o-copy of a zebra."  Hilarious!  Then the very next animal is a rhino and it was just lazily hanging out in the pool.  He was pretty dirty.  Julianna looks at Grandma and says "Grandma he needs some soap in his bath."  I love my funny kids.

Then next day Brian flew in and we went to a Reds game (after buying Jake the appropriate hat and shirt).  I hadn't been to the new park and was so excited!  It really is a beautiful stadium.  And a great game!

Julianna also had her very first Skyline 3-way.  She liked it...didn't eat much but she liked it!

Let's see what else.  Oh we went to the butterfly museum.  The kids splashed around in the pool.  We saw my best friend Lisa and her kids.  Jake went bowling for the first time.  Then finally Aunt Shana brought Wesley.  He is such a doll.  Julianna was all over him...probably a nice break for Grace.

Then our last day we celebrated Poppy's 60th birthday.  We all met at our favorite, Montgomery Inn and had a small celebration.  There was cake and balloons (because Poppy had to have a baseball balloon!) and presents!  We had a great time.  Sadly we had to leave the next morning but summer is a busy time and lots of fun to be had!  Thanks for letting us invade for a week Grandma and Poppy!  See you next year!