We have been having lots of fun the past few weeks. Jake had his very first preschool family picnic. Jake's school has a picnic every year with lots of fun stuff including two jumpy houses and a train ride. I am sure there was other stuff to do but we didn't get to it. As we were leaving I asked Jake if he had fun and he said "I need to go to picnic again now." Sorry Jake you have to wait until next year. Of course I forgot my camera so we have no documentation of the event but that is almost better. Sometimes I get wrapped up in taking pictures I forget to enjoy myself.

Jake and I met Payton and Jamie at the Children's Museum this week. They have a new exhibit that was all about music and let me tell you Jake was into it! He ran around playing all the instruments and singing into a microphone. It is such a neat place and he loves going there.

Today Brian went to the Auburn/Arkansas game and we stayed here and supported our Tigers from the couch. I got a really cute picture of both of them on the couch. Excuse Julianna's messy shirt...she really likes sweet potatoes and they were everywhere.

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