Some of you don't get to see our kids very often so I thought I should write a little about each on their birthday. After his 4 year doctors appointment he is weighing in at 39 pounds and is 40 3/4 inches tall, roughly the 75th and 50th percentiles. Doc said he looks great! We just have to work on not being such a picky eater!
He is in his 2 year of preschool at our church Smyrna First United Methodist. He is in the Chimp class and Ms. Susan and Ms. Debbie are his teachers. He talks about his friends all the time and loves to have play dates. Many parents say how their kids talk about Jake all the time so its nice to hear he is well liked. On Wednesday's he stays for lunch and always asks me to pack extra cookies...for the girls.
He loves to run around outside, red light/green light is a favorite of his these days. In the fall he played soccer for the first time. He enjoyed it but I think will like t-ball better. His very first practice is Saturday. Should be interesting! Brian has been practicing with him in the backyard so hopefully he will get it.
Jake is such a sweet boy. He loves Julianna, even when she tortures him by pulling his hair. He has definitely gotten into coloring. He is constantly bringing home pictures from school or filling up coloring books at home. Games have also taken over the house. It used to be puzzles (but those are hard to do around Julianna) and he has moved on to games. Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land and Zingo are the evening entertainment in our house. Not that Brian gets to play anymore...Jake says its not fun because Daddy wins every time. I guess since I lose pretty consistently I am more fun!
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